A community gathered around the love of Jesus and sent into the world to serve since 1886.
Mar 9 Worship Service
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A message from Our pastor:
Join us for worship on Saturday Evening at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 8:30 & 10:45 am (9:00 am from Memorial Day through Labor Day). Communion is served weekly at all services. We also stream our 8:30 am or 9:00 am Sunday worship service on our YouTube Channel, StJamesVerona.
A message from Our pastor:
Join us for worship on Saturday Evening at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 8:30 & 10:45 am (9:00 am from Memorial Day through Labor Day). Communion is served weekly at all services. We also stream our 8:30 am or 9:00 am Sunday worship service on our YouTube Channel, StJamesVerona.

Call Committee
The Call Committee has been elected to serve the congregation in selecting a pastoral candidate. The Call Committee will work with Pastor Jerry Buss throughout the process of calling a new pastor. The Call Committee members are: Brienne Carlson, Lee DeBaillie, Clay Griessmeyer, Landis Heitz, Mary Moldenhauer, Mark Smith, Elise Taft, Helen Troutman, and Bobbie Wang (Chair).
Calendar Events
We received New Members on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
We will welcome new members again in the fall of 2024 at our 8:30 am worship service.
Please email the church office if you are interested in attending and/or joining St. James. You may also reach us via telephone at (608) 845-6922.

Our Staff

Peter Narum, Pastor
[email protected] Peter began his ministry at St. James in 2006. He and his wife, Betsy Teigland, were married in 1986. They have two adult children, Ingrid and Soren. Peter and…

Jerry Buss, Interim Pastor
[email protected] Pastor Jerry Buss started as our half-time Interim Pastor on Sunday, February 4th. Pastor Jerry served as pastor of three congregations in Oregon and Washington. He was also the mission director…

Karen Kaehr, Director of Parish Administration
[email protected] (608) 497-3402 Karen joined the St. James staff in June, 2024. She has degrees in Business Administration and Marketing. Karen grew up in northern Wisconsin and now resides nearby…

Susan Zimmer, Admin Assistant
Sue is a former English and speech teacher and retired home health care administrator. She and her husband Greg have lived in Verona for over 43 years and raised their…

Heather Pearl, Director, St. James Preschool
[email protected] (608) 845-6922 ext. 235 Heather is the Director of St. James Preschool and was hired in December 2013. Heather has a degree in Elementary Education with a minor in…

Holly Parker, Director of Children & Family Ministry
[email protected] (608) 845-6922 ext. 223 Holly has been a member of St. James since 2013 and has served in children, youth, and family ministries at St. James since 2016. She…

Barbara Rasmussen, R.N., Parish Nurse
[email protected] (608) 845-6922 ext. 234 Barb joined St. James as a staff member in July 2013 and oversees home visitations to homebound members, bereavement ministries and works alongside the Caring…

St. James is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.