Worshiping and Singing Together

St.James Verona

Our Adult choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please contact music director Paulette Spoon at [email protected]

Our Adult Handbell Choir rehearses on Mondays at 7:00 pm, September through May.  If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please contact music director Paulette Spoon at [email protected]

The Youth Handbell Choir will resume rehearsals on October 1, 2023.  If you wish to join, please contact Paulette Spoon, Youth Handbell Choir Director, at [email protected].

Worship & Music

St. James offers three worship opportunities each weekend Labor Day through Memorial Day.  During the summer, we offer 2 in-person worship options.  We also offer a Livestream of our 8:30 am or 9:00 am Sunday worship service on our YouTube Channel, StJamesVerona.

  • Summer Worship Schedule

    Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, we offer two worship opportunities at 5:00 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am.

  • Online Worship

    We offer a Livetream of our 8:30 am worship on our YouTube Channel, StJamesVerona.  We invite you to watch if you are unable to attend in person.

  • Traditional Worship

    5:00 pm Saturday, 8:30 am Sunday during the school year.

    This service offers the opportunity to worship in a traditional setting featuring our Rogers organ, and the Saturday evening worship follows this pattern. There is also a children's sermon at the 8:30 service.

  • Blended Worship

    10:45 am Sunday

    Blended Worship features piano, and occasionally other instruments. 

St.James Verona

Adult Choir

Adult choir practices on Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm and sings during worship on Sundays from September through May. They sing during the 8:30 am worship the first three Sundays of each month and during 10:45 am worship on the last Sunday of the month.

If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact our choir director, Paulette Spoon at [email protected]

St.James Verona

Youth Music

St. James Youth Choir is open to students in First Grade and older.

Rehearsals resume on September 10 at 10:00 am. St. James Youth Choir is under the direction of Susan Bubolz. Please contact her at [email protected] if your child is interested in joining the youth choir.

Youth Handbell Choir begins rehearsing on September 10 and is recruiting new members.

They typically meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am about three times per month for youth from 6th grade through High School.

Both choirs welcome new members. Contact Paulette Spoon at [email protected] for more information.

St.James Verona

Handbell Choirs

Adult Handbell Choir

The adult handbell choir rehearses on Monday evenings and rings for worship services approximately once per month. We will resume rehearsals on Monday, September 25th at 7:00 pm.

Recruiting Members: We are recruiting one or two additional ringers this year. Previous ringing experience would be helpful but is not required. The ability to read a music line and understand time signatures and counting is needed. Please contact Paulette Spoon if you are interested in ringing. Thank you!

Youth Handbell Choir will begin rehearsals on October 1, 2023.

They meet on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am about three times per month and youth from 6th grade through High School are welcome.

Both choirs welcome new members. Contact Paulette Spoon at [email protected] for more information.

Handbell Choir Concert - Listen!
June 28, 2015

St.James Verona

Sunday Morning Conversations

Every Sunday after worship services we gather for a light discussion around a variety of topics – we may explore the Sunday readings and the sermon, hear from a person in the community and their particular ministry, or explore a current topic of interest that impacts our lives as Christians. There is no signup. Join us any Sunday at 9:40 am in the Emmaus Room.

For more information, please contact Pastor Peter Narum at (608) 845‑6922 or [email protected]

St.James Verona

Wedding Planning

Weddings at St. James are open to all couples whether members of St. James or not. Active members of St. James (those who worship regularly, are involved in the life of the congregation, and contribute financially) may reserve a wedding date at any time (up to 18 months in advance).

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St.James Verona

Funeral Planning

The Christian funeral is a gift. In the midst of grief and sorrow, we gather to comfort one another and to hear what is at the center of our faith: Jesus is Risen! The Christian funeral is a proclamation that nothing can separate us from God’s love: the promises we receive in Baptism are forever.

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