St.James Verona

Children, Youth & Families

St. James is committed to building and maintaining a strong ministry for children, youth and families.

We offer Sunday School, Confirmation Classes, Youth Groups, Vacation Bible School, and Family Fellowship.

See below for more information. Check the St. James calendar for activities and events.

Peter Robert H First Communion

Sacraments and Milestones

Baptism is one of two sacraments in the Lutheran Church. Baptism is also a major milestone for the newly baptized and their family. In baptism, we discover God’s promises of life for us, firmly rooted in God’s love and grace. Before a baptism can be scheduled, you will need to meet with one of our pastors. To get things started, please contact Michelle, our Parish Administrator, at [email protected]. We look forward to celebrating this major milestone with you.

Each fall we, as a Church family, take another step toward fulfilling promises made in baptism by presenting our 3 year-old and 3rd grade children with new Bibles. 3 year-olds will receive their very own Spark Story Bible and 3rd graders will receive a Hands-On Bible. Dates and times can be found on the church calendar. Families of 3 year-olds and 3rd graders will also be notified with more information. If you are new to St. James and/or your child has not received a Bible, please contact Holly [email protected]

The gift of Holy Communion has sustained Christians throughout their lives – fed and nourished, forgiven and loved – Jesus shapes His people in this meal.

First Communion Instruction - At St. James we offer instruction to our young people who wish to come to the Lord’s Supper. Instruction is generally designed for children in 3rd grade, though parents may choose the appropriate age for their children to receive communion. Together, students and parents attend two one hour classes that typically take place on Sunday mornings during Lent. It is in these classes we will teach about the sacrament, why it is important to Christians and how the meal can sustain us in our daily life. Attendance at both classes is recommended as they build on one another.

Bread Baking & Banner Making -We also invite children making their First Communion to make the bread that will be used in the First Communion service, as well as their own First Communion banner that will be hung on the pews.

First Communion Service - The service of First Communion takes place on Maundy Thursday, where we tell the story of Jesus’ Last Supper.

After completing our two year Confirmation program, students participate in an Affirmation of Baptism service, also known as the Confirmation service. This service usually takes place in late October. More information for our Confirmation program can be found (here).

St.James Verona

Sunday School

St. James is blessed to have a great Sunday School program for children Age 3-Grade 6! We are committed to sharing the Good Word and teaching about Jesus’ love. Parents and youth can learn together and from one another as we strive to fulfill the St. James mission to receive God’s love, grow in God’s love and give God’s love in service to others. New families are welcome to join us at any time!

Spark , Age 3 – Grade 4 – Spark Lectionary offers a Bible-centered curriculum with hands-on, age appropriate materials. The lessons in the curriculum correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary, which are the readings we follow in worship. Parents and youth will be able to connect what they heard and learned during the worship service and in Sunday School. It’s a wonderful opportunity to take the lessons learned outside the church building and continue in conversation throughout the week!

Connect, Grades 5-6 – Connect is designed especially for “tweens.” It takes the youth on a journey through the Old Testament and into the New Testament, exploring connections between several stories each week. The age-appropriate curriculum incorporates funny video clips with solid Lutheran theology. Connect helps teens make sense of the Bible and encourages them to ask questions, make connections and reflect, preparing them for the next step in their faith journey: Confirmation.

8:30-9:40 – Ages 3 - Kindergarten (includes Music Time from 9:30-9:40)

9:30-10:30 – Age 3 - 6th grade

Online Registration

In lieu of a fee, we ask that you make a monetary donation of your choice to our Sunday School program.  Suggested donation amounts can be found on the registration form.  All children are welcome to participate regardless of their ability to contribute toward materials. 

In order to provide safe, positive and enriching experiences for our children, we need your help! Please contact Holly at [email protected] to help teach or assist in a classroom, prepare lesson materials, help with special events or donate items. We also welcome you to attend class with your child at any time!

Sunday School Scoop is a weekly newsletter that keeps registered families up to date with highlights, reminders, opportunities, and more.

If you have any questions or would like more information about Sunday School, please contact Holly Parker, Director of Children & Family Ministries, at [email protected]

St.James Verona
Confirmation Photo 2023


The confirmation program at St. James is two-year program designed for students in 7th & 8th grades. It is a dynamic program that helps students gain an understanding of the Lutheran Faith and prepares them to become full-fledged members of the congregation.

The St. James mission to Receive, Grow, and Give is an important part of our Confirmation program. In addition to weekly classes, students are expected to regularly attend worship, assist in worship as a reader, usher, or musician, and give back to the community. Community Service can come from a variety of sources such as helping at Badger Prairie Needs Network or Angel’s Wish or helping with St. James ministries such as the Community Meal or Sunday School.

We ask that our students fulfill the following Expectations:

Attend each class or complete a make-up lesson.
Attend 20 worshipservices per year.
Assist in worship two times per year.
Complete at least 5 hours of community service each year.

The Confirmation Connection is a weekly newslettter that keeps registered students and their families up to date with highlight, reminders, opportunities, and more.

St.James Verona

Youth Group

Youth Group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm and is led by our High School Youth Mentorship Team.  Our next meeting is March 15.

St.James Verona

Youth Music

We have a Youth Choir and a Youth Handbell Choir.  Click here to learn more.

scuba-easy-vbs-2024-theme-card-1 2024

Vacation Bible School


August 5-8, 2024

9:00 am-12:00 noon

Update as of May 29, 2024: Enrollment is full at this time. Please email Holly at [email protected] if you have questions or would like to be placed on a waiting list. Thank you! 

St.James Verona

Summer Mission Trips

St. James High School Mission Trip!
June 30th-July 4, 2024

All 9th-12th graders are encouraged to participate in the Week of Hope in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  

It’s not too late to sign up for the St. James High School Mission Trip! All 9th-12th graders are encouraged to participate in the Week of Hope in Kenosha, WI June 30th-July 4th. Sign up today or email Cindi at [email protected] to learn more 

Click here to register.

Check out the St. James 2019 High School Mission Trip!